The rules are generally as described in the 20th Anniversary Edition of Vampire: the Masquerade sourcebook. This can be purchased from DriveThruRPG.
We have our own Player Handbook which is built to welcome anyone of any level to our community.
These documents contain guidance and rules for playing GVLarp. All players can ask the Storytellers to create them a player folder in the GV shared Onedrive to allow you to keep any completed forms in one place.
The Player Handbook
This is designed to be an introduction to GVLarp. It is the document to share with friends who are thinking about playing who have never played a Larp before or who have never played a Vampire the Masquerade game before. It gives an overview of most of the game.
No one will expect a new player to remember everything in it and we definitely encourage you to ask questions as you go but this will be a handy tool in your first few months with us.
Player-Handbook-V1.5.pdf (63 downloads )Linear Guidance
Occasionally, plots will start to get fast paced and need the players involved to sit down and arrange a table top session in order to accurately play out the events of the plot. These are called Linears. This document lays out a basic foundation for how linears work and what rules are in play at the time.
Linear-Guidance.pdf (25 downloads )
Consent Form
Vampire the Masquerade often touches on very divisive and difficult themes and subjects. This form is in place to inform Storytellers what you would like to avoid in play. The Storytellers will do their best to bear this form in mind during orders responses and while preparing linears. There are certain themes that are unavoidable. We are playing a game which at it’s core is player versus player and has aspects of horror to it. This form is also meant to be a communication aide between players to help communicate personal preferences that may lead to a conversation you don’t want to have. This enables you to quickly and efficiently communicate the types of roleplay that you would prefer to avoid.
If you choose not to complete this form, it will be assumed that all sections are green and approved for play. It is a player responsibility to have this filled in, if needed, and to share it with the ST team and those they engage in pvp with.
Consent Form (270 downloads )
Orders Template
Downtime actions, while not in any way mandatory, do form a large part of game play in GVLarp. This means that every month the ST team receive close to 100 pages of downtime actions from players. Having an agreed formatting helps us to more easily complete orders which means we are more likely to get them back to you in good time. This template is also designed to help you with your first orders until you find a system that works best for you. If you have any questions or want to know how to get the most out of your orders, please do not hesitate to ask the STs.
Orders Template (269 downloads )
Character Summary
This is a tool to allow you, as a player, to easily communicate with a new Storyteller about the history, present and future of your character. It also allows current STs to plan plots for you and make sure that you are getting the most out of your gameplay. This is in no way a mandatory form and is only meant to be used as a tool to help ease communication.
Character Summary (241 downloads )Storytellers Screen
This is a very handy shorthand summary of the basics of the Traditions, how Frenzy works and what the sins are for the path of Humanity. We keep this available on game night for all players but is a very good thing to keep handy if you are brand new to the system.
VTM-Quick-Guide-ST-Screen.pdf (660 downloads )Combat Cheat Sheet
This is a short hand guide for all basic attacks in VTM V20 and is very good to have on hand if you are joining a linear or are planning something brutal at court… at your own pc’s risk 😉
Combat Reference Sheet (107 downloads )AGM Proposal Template
Ok, so you have played the game and you have some ideas on how to improve it? Well the Annual General Meeting held in January is your chance to bring your idea to the table and have it voted on by the player base. This template will help you to put across your motion in a clear way that will allow others to engage with it.
AGM Proposal Template (277 downloads )